Our Team

Social values - Corproate Social Responsibility (CSR)

CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY POLICY STATEMENT Bonham Group recognises that our operation and activities may have an impact on the social, environmental and economic well-being in the areas within which we operate. We are committed to ensuring that our business is conducted in an ethical and professional manner. In addition to compliance with current legislation, our policies encourage high standards of corporate behaviour in areas of health and safety, the environment, and equal opportunities, both for our staff and those whom we interact with. Through good management and positive contributions from our Health & Safety and Environmental Policies we aim to reduce any negative impacts that our business occur. We are aware that fibreoptic communications can help improve the community and commuters in their daily lives not only by connectivity but also improved rail journeys. We aim to manage our employees fairly, openly and honestly being a responsible employer, adopting standard and values that help guide our staff in business relationships and their conduct. Bonham Group are committed to having a fully trained and accredited workforce and promote vocational training for our employees.

Environment and Sustainability - net zero etc?

ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT Bonham Group Ltd are committed to a responsible way of working where those aspects of our business impact upon the environment. We seek to act in accordance with good practice and preserving, where possible, the quality of the environment. We recognise that our operations have an effect on the local, regional and global environment, and as a consequence of this, the management of the Company are committed to making continuous improvements in environmental performance and the prevention of pollution.

Energy use:
The Company will use environmentally safe and sustainable energy sources to meet our needs. We will invest in improved energy efficiency of products we use e.g. we will retain documentation on computer systems rather than paper.

Responsibility for products:
The Company considers the environmental impacts of the products it uses, especially during use and disposal.

Resource consumption:
The Company will seek to address its impact on the environment by conserving resources through efficient use and careful planning.

The Company maintains that a primary part of its environmental strategy is sustainable waste management and as such, recognises its responsibilities to recycle materials wherever possible.

Disposal of waste:
We will minimise waste, especially hazardous waste, and whenever possible recycle materials. We will dispose of all waste through safe and responsible methods.

Our supply chain:
We will work with our suppliers to ensure they recognise and reduce the environmental impact of their products and transportation.

Environmental regulations, laws and codes of practice will be regarded as setting the minimum standards of our environmental performancet. The strategy addresses the following key areas to:
• Review Environmental impacts pre-work
• Improve materials i.e. improved environmental performance
• Increase employee awareness and training
• Protect natural resources, • Recycle materials and minimise waste
• Relate to customers and regulatory authorities Management, staff and employees are encouraged to liaise and work closely with suppliers, subcontractors and customers to ensure the services will meet and exceed all regulatory requirements and other applicable requirements.

Bonham Group Structure

Managing Director

Robert Capps


Rail Operations Manager

Craig Follan


Commercial Manager

Phill Button


Finance Manager

Helen Upham


HSQE Manager

Tom Paterson


Training Manager

Carole Peniston


General Manager

Tony Brennan


LU Operations Manager

Chris Parr


Rail Fibre Manager

Simon Whittaker


Rail Construction Manager

Mark Timberlake


Project Engineer

Paul Charter


Project Engineer

Vince Barnes



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