Women’s Fellowship
“She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her.”
Proverbs 3:15
God has given gifts to His children, both men and women, for the common good of the church. However, since women are limited in the extent of their involvement(1 cor 14:34-35),the ministry of a women’s fellowship becomes an avenue for woman to utilize their gifts to benefit others.
What is fellowship? It is when two or more people of like mind, faith, or belief system come together to work towards a common goal. The goal in the case of a women’s fellowship is to edify everyone in the group in a way that impacts the church as a whole, and bring glory to God. The woman are not necessarily of the same age and is the beauty of it all. Based on the age difference, there is a lot to be learned by everybody, from each other and from the different age group.
Due to the age span, older woman can fulfill their God-given responsibility of training younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self controlled and pure , to be busy at home, to be kind and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God (Ti 2:4-5, 1 Pet 3:3-5)
IFC women’s fellowship meets every 2nd Sunday at 6 pm, dedicated to glorifying God by bringing women into a more intimate relationship with God to witness the following results:
We are encouraged We learn We grow We see results We are corrected We are trained in righteousness We have fun While God is honored
So, please come and join IFC Women’s Fellowship.
About Us
A small dream, immense dedication, and diligence was what that led three individuals to plant a small seed like Indians For Christ (IFC) Tamil Church in November of 1987, which has now grown to be a robust Tamil church.