General FAQs

Yes, we have a choice of uniform including a jumper, cardigan, polo shirt and t-shirt. These can be purchased at the pre-school. Uniform helps children feel part of the pre-school and helps keep your child’s own clothes clean and safe. Children can wear any trousers or skirts and are encouraged to wear comfortable shoes that are good for running around in. Please clearly name all of your child’s uniform and clothing.
On our last inspection we were rated good by Ofsted. Click for Report
We operate above the ratios required by the EYFS. Please see our staff page for more information about our teachers.
Yes, we have a buggy storage area inside the garden. Please fold your prams down and take valuables home with you. Children’s bikes and scooters can also be stored here. We cannot accept responsibility for any items left in this area.

Before your child starts

Yes- we would love to meet you! Please book a view round here.
Please return a registration form to office@kiamenamontessori.co.uk along with a £50 registration fee and a copy of your child’s birth certificate.
We will be in contact to confirm we have received your child’s application. Closer to your child’s start date we will contact you again to offer you a place. We will ask you to return some forms along with a £150 refundable deposit.
Yes- your child will be offered a 1 hour settling-in session prior to them starting.
You will be told your child’s key teacher when you come for their settling in session. You will also receive an information sheet about your child starting in their book bag. After 6 weeks we will arrange a meeting to discuss how your child is settling in and answer any other questions.

Life at Kia Mena

We ask that all children attend for a minimum of 4 sessions. Morning and afternoon sessions are counted individually.
No, your child does not need to be potty trained. If they are in nappies, please provide spare nappies, wipes and nappy sacks in their book bag. Please communicate with us when you are ready to start potty training at home so that we can work with you.
We do not offer a set nap time. We have fold out beds for any child that needs a nap at any point and nap times are logged on My Montessori Child.
We provide snack time food and drinks twice a day, we charge a weekly fee of £1.50 for this. Snack time includes a variety of fruit & vegetables, a carbohydrate and a dip. If your child is staying for lunch, they should bring their own packed lunchbox from home. We put a lunch time advice sheet in their bookbag when they first start but please contact us if you would like another!
If your child is unwell before attending pre-school they should stay home to rest and recover. Please see our policies for exclusion periods. If your child is unwell whilst at pre-school we will contact you to collect them as soon as possible.
If you want to, you can practice your child’s sounds and numbers at home using the books we put in their bookbag. Children are always learning so just getting out and about and exploring the world together is encouraging their learning and development!
The best way to get updates is to log on to My Montessori Child. Here, you will see a new observation on your child once a week. You can also see slideshows and group observations of activities the children have been completing together throughout the week.

Funding, Fees & payments

Please see the terms and conditions for more information on this. Prices increase each April.
Yes, please see more about available government funding here. We offer funded only sessions in the afternoons from 1.50-4.30. If your child receives extended funding, and is already attending 5 afternoon sessions, they can attend additional funded sessions from 9.15-11.55.
Yes, please contact us for more information.
Payments can be made to: Kia Mena Montessori Pre-School 09-01-27 88827865
We ask that each terms fees are paid before the start of term. If you want to pay monthly, this needs to be agreed before the start of term with the first payment being received in advance.
Additional fees can be seen in our terms and conditions

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